Thursday, June 14, 2007

Useful .NET Utility Classes

Phil Haack just posted a great article, The Most Useful .NET Utility Classes Developers Tend to Reinvent Rather Than Reuse. This is a list of classes that you may not be aware of, but can sure make your life a lot easier. Here are the main classes that he discusses:
  • System.Path.IO
  • System.Web.VirtualPathUtility
  • System.Web.HttpUtility
  • System.Enviornment

If you are not familiar with these classes I would highly suggest that you read the article and try them out. I have used some of the System.Path.IO methods (like Combine) to make creating filenames a whole lot simpler. Also check out the comments as there are a couple of other good ones mentioned as well.

1 comment:

Jude Wagner said...

Veryy nice blog you have here